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2024 Post Primary Endorsements

Immediately below are the 2024 August Endorsements.

This was the first time Whatcom Democrats has used Ranked Choice Voting, specifically to endorse three candidates in each of the District races for County Charter

Review Commission. In each county council district, you will be voting for three commissioner candidates. There are five districts, each with three commissioners, for a total of 15 commissioners to be elected.

We apologize for the fact that Rick Larsen was inadvertently omitted from the Endorsement Ballot in the chaos of a last-minute move from one online election system, ElectionRunner, to another, ElectionBuddy, in order to accommodate the multi-seat Ranked Choice Voting system used for the County Charter Review Commission races. 

Considering that Rick was unopposed, the Executive Board has unanimously declared him ENDORSED.


President and Vice President: Vice President Kamala Harris and Tim Walz

House of Representatives: Rick Larsen

Lieutenant Governor: Denny Heck

Attorney General: Nick Brown

Commissioner of Public Lands: Dave Upthegrove

Secretary of State: Steve Hobbs

Auditor: Pat (Patricia) McCarthy

42nd LD State Representative Pos. 1: Alicia Rule

State Supreme Court: Sal Mungia

Vote NO on Initiative 2066

Vote NO on Initiative 2109

Vote NO on Initiative 2117

Vote NO on Initiative 2124

Vote NO on Whatcom County Initiative 2024-01 (which would repeal Healthy Children’s Fund)

Vote YES on Whatcom County Proposition 2024-22 (County Charter Amendment expanding Conflict-of-Interest section)

County Charter Review Commission District 1: Andrew Reding, Liz Darrow, Joel Pitts-Jordan

County Charter Review Commission District 2: Eamonn Collins, Colton Kaltenfeldt, Maya Morales

County Charter Review Commission District 3: Jennifer Wright, Kelly Krieger, Jessica Rienstra

County Charter Review Commission District 4: No one requested endorsement (it’s a heavily Republican district)

County Charter Review Commission District 5: Andrew Hansen, Teresa Taylor, Charlene Waters

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