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Join the Party

Join Us

Join the Party

Do you identify as a Democrat?  Take the next step and make it official. Join the Whatcom Democrats today!


Benefits Of Membership

  • Being part of a strong local Democratic Party that is ready to put Democrats in every elected office.

  • The ability to vote on party endorsements of candidates, issues, and resolutions. These are the decisions that direct our resources and energy toward supporting what’s most important to local Democrats.

  • The opportunity to help shape the future of the Whatcom Democrats through involvement participation on committees that make decisions about the direction and activities of the party.

  • You can be involved as much or as little as you like! Your support is appreciated and valued, no matter at what level.




Become a Precinct Committee Officer (PCO):

The PCO (Precinct Committee Officer) is the party’s representative in each neighborhood.  In addition to informing their neighbors about our endorsed candidates, PCOs have the responsibility of voting on our party Bylaws and electing officers to the party.  PCOs are elected every two years by voters in their precincts.

In precincts that don’t currently have an elected PCO, we are looking for people to serve as appointed PCOs, with similar responsibilities but limited voting rights for party issues. Step up to talk to voters in your precinct and work to get Democrats elected!  

Join Our Campaign Team

Whether you are focused on local, national, or international issues, electing the right leaders comes down to local campaign organizing. When campaign season starts (typically in June), the Whatcom Democrats swing into action.

Here are some ways you can get involved:

  • Sign up for some doorbelling, texting, phone calling and data entry.

  • Help sustain our hard-working volunteers with finger-food snacks for our office and phone-calling volunteers.

  • Call 360-647-7661 or email

Donate to Our Campaign Fund

Donations go to our campaign fund, enabling us to hire campaign staff, send mailers, phonebook and text, and more generally assist endorsed Democrats get elected!

Other Volunteer Pathways

  1. Offer to drive a doorbeller in a rural precinct

  2. Walk with the Whatcom Democrats in a Parade – Farmer’s Day (June 1), Blaine 4th of July, Bellingham Pride, Old Settlers Ferndale.

  3. Transport signs to a parade.

  4. Help staff our booth at a local festival – Blaine 4th of July or Bellingham Pride

  5. Help set up a booth.

  6. Volunteer to deliver signs and help put up and take down

  7. Join our Letters to the Editor team ( meets 2nd Wed at 11am)

  8. Join our fundraising team and help source auction items for our Eleanor Roosevelt fundraiser

  9. Join our picnic set-up team or volunteer to staff the barbecue

  10. Set up a table at the Art Walk with candidate info and Voter Registration forms

  11. Apply to serve as a Delegate to the State Convention

  12. Work with the 42nd LD postcard team.


Email  or call 360-647-7661 for more info about volunteer opportunities.


 If none of these local activities interest you, consider volunteering with a national organization such as or

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